Protect Your Mind, Body & Energy Fields - Free Training

We teach you holistic technologies that develops natural protection and awareness of the mind, body and soul.

We’re at the dawn of the global transformation we’ve all been waiting for.

Never before has there been a better time to activate our innate, multidimensional mind, body & soul technologies to heal, expand, evolve and grow into our potential.

In these times of great challenge, we have an opportunity to empower ourselves to be strong, resilient, empowered and clear – so we can show up to and support our families and communities to be of service at this hour of need on our beautiful planet Earth.

It starts with clear and empowered mind, body and energy fields that naturally protect you in the face of challenges and difficulties we face individually and collectively.

Scroll below to sign up for our FREE online training.

This course is for those...

~ Who are highly sensitive or empathic and feel easily overwhelmed or influenced by other energies ~

~ Those with chronic physical or emotional health conditions or imbalances ~

~ Those who generally feel low or fatigued ~

~ Those curious about Holistic Health or Energy Medicine ~

~ Those at the beginning of their path of consciousness expansion ~

~ Those of you training or already established in a Holistic Health modality/field ~

~Those on a path of self-mastery ~
We support people like you, on their path of self-mastery to get aligned and do deep healing gracefully, so you can be free and have a powerful impact on the world.
This course will help you ...

~ Neutralise the fears, doubts, worries and stresses keeping you triggered, activated, confused and/or fatigued ~

~ Transmute old stuck, burdened and stagnant energy ~

Boost your immune, hormone and detoxification systems and revitalise your body ~

~ Clear and protect your energy fields to stay anchored in Self for longer ~

~ Learn to become more embodied and stable ~

What You Get...

~ 3 powerful videos ~

~ Access to our exclusive e-learning platform with specially curated, exceptional holistic resources ~

~ Access to our private Facebook Group where you can experience tribe and access more specialised content ~

~ Bonus videos, talks, transmissions and exclusive offers ~

The Teachings...

~ Learn to create a new dialogue with your mind/parts that creates trust, clarity and compassion in your inner world with Internal Family Systems techniquies ~

~ Learn to respond to your nervous system - triggers, emotions, feelings and anxieties in an easy, simple and self-empowering way ~

~ Feel more energetically abundant, with new energy to be motivated and driven ~

~ Boost your immune system, hormones and detox channels with high vibe Naturopathic Nutrition ~

~ Learn to clear your energy fields through ancient practices like Smudging, internal visualisations and |Integrated Yogic Technologies  ~

~ Cultivate an embodied and naturally protected energy system, through energy practices like Invocations, Mantra and Himalayan Kriya/Kundalini Yoga, Pranayama breathwork and Sacred Geometry ~

Course Curriculum

We're Grounded & Experienced

We are Roop Singh Sagar and Natasha Anand Boojihawon, and we're offering our knowledge and experience, a combination of 22 years of sacred and esoteric teachings, a lifetime each of sacred indigenous wisdom from the Sikh, Yog-Vedantic and Tantra spiritual lineages, professional training in the Usui Shiki Ryoho and Sekhemlineages, 12 years experience working therapeutically in communities and 8 years working in wellness.

We've have put this all together in a holistic, free training programme, with wisdom and practices we've personally tried and tested for years, that will catalyse your health and healing.

We have been on a journey of self-discovery and evolution over the last 12 years. Our practice fuses modern with ancient techniques and wisdom and draws on experience of coaching, mentoring, youth and community work, social development, social justice, participatory arts and holistic, natural medicine.

Our work is trauma-informed, holistic and integrated. For over a decade we have been working at the grassroots as Creative Youth & Community Workers with the most marginalised communities in the Northwest UK. In 2015 we set up Earth Clinic in Manchester and have been teaching for 12 years in various capacities.

Roop Sagar


Roop is a Reiki Master and Energy Coach with 9 years experience in the healing arts. As a master energy worker, Roop has vast experience from working with the heart-mind connection to the consciousness field that connects every living organism on the planet.

 He is trained in Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki, Sekhem Reiki, Distance Healing, Quantum Field Healing, Frequency Healing, Timeline Healing, Auric Field Healing, Psychic Surgery, DNA Healing/Recoding & Spiritual Crystal Healing.  

Roop has experience and great depth of knowledge in anatomy, physiology and the sciences of the human energy system. He understands fully the potential of the human body to heal itself.

He fuses his intuition, techniques, channelled guidance and the incredible human technologies in a truly held and safe healing space.  

Examples of the types of ailments/illness Roop has treated in the past – migraines, sports injuries & regeneration, trauma & ancestral healing, cysts, arthritis, inflammation, digestive system disorders, depression, anxiety, addiction. 

Natasha Anand Boojihawon


Natasha Anand is a shapeshifter, able to take on different roles with ease and grace, often showing up to the need of the hour. Dedicated to her own growth, evolution and expansion, Natasha Anand inspires through her own example by serving unconditionally, showing up in her local and global communities, and being a beacon of light, joy and faith.

Natasha Anand has been working ceremonially for lifetimes as well as guiding her students and clients on transformative journeys of healing and consciousness evolution. She currently holds space through; 1 to 1 therapy, spiritual guidance, holistic & energy  teacher training programmes, facilitating group work and sacred ceremonies.  She has been teaching for 12 years in various capacities.

She is also a Programme Assistant on official Internal Family Systems trainings, which she sees as a huge honour and privilege and has trained with the legendary Richard Schwartz.  

Natasha Anand is a Master Energy Worker, Master Sattva Yoga Teacher, Leadership Coach, Jyotish (Vedic) Astrologer and Holistic Therapist fusing Internal Family Systems Psychotherapy, Holistic/Integrated Medicine, Naturopathic Nutrition, Usui Shiki Ryoho, Sekhem Reiki, Integrated Himalayan Yoga, Earthkeeping, Spiritual Crystal Healing, Quantum Medicine, Shamanic Practices, Sacred Geometry & Holistic Coaching.

She creates safe and powerful spaces for people to heal at profound levels. Her work is highly specialised – trauma-informed, holistic and integrated.  

Natasha Anand draws much experience from her own journey overcoming two autoimmune conditions, hormone imbalances, addiction, burnout and ancestral trauma, which very much initiated her on this path of awakening and service.  

Read more about her personal journey on her blog. Also hear about Natasha’s journey on this podcast.

Read more about her personal journey on her blog here.

What Our Students Say

"Amazing people, space and programs of work. Both Natasha and Roop are two of the most conscious, truly caring humans I have met and their work is of the highest quality. Highly recommend to anyone and because of their vast knowledge, you can go with your problem knowing that between energy reiki work and nutrition, through to wisdom teaching, yoga and breathwork, they can provide a solid solution to get you moving forward quickly."

Daniel Halenko

CEO & Leadership Coach, Catori

 "Authentic & real gifted teachers can be few and far to come by...  I am eternally grateful I was guided to Natasha Anand, she helped me reconnect to a place I strayed away from for some time. I recommend Natasha & her courses to the upmost, you will be grateful, as am I." 

Gemma Gratton
​CEO, The Bee Thrive

"I've been working on being my authentic self personally & professionally for the past 3 years, thank you SO much for your teachings, it 100% had an impact on my path. Very grateful for you both"

Jess Saoud
CEO & Mindset Strategist, Soul Meets Structure

 "Roop and Natasha are two of the most kind, warm-hearted, wise and genuine people I have ever met. Their classes are of the highest quality which they approach with an open heart, with your best interests at heart. They have such a huge range of knowledge and experience, I am confident in saying I know they will be able to help anyone. I couldn't think of a safer place to be to learn, grow and heal." 

Bradley Edwards
Trainee Holistic Therapist

Course Pricing

Energy Protection Free Training


    • 3 powerful videos
    • Access to our course platform with specially curated, exceptional resources
    • Access to our private Facebook Group
    • Bonus videos, talks, transmissions and exclusive offers